A website is a great marketing tool for many businesses but one that is never “done”. A good website should constantly evolve and grow with your business, providing users an easy-to-use platform to discover and learn about your business.

If your website is 12+ months old, it may be time for a good old-fashioned review.
Take some time to have a thorough look over the checklist below and perform an audit. This list can then be referred to on a regular basis to keep your content fresh and customers happy.
Is there any outdated content that needs to be removed/updated? (Old products/prices, team members no longer working with you etc)
Are your contact details up-to-date and easy for customers to find
Do you have any recent imagery you can use to replace existing or add in new
Is the vital information your customers will need, easily accessible? (Who are you, what do you do and how do customers proceed to work with you)
Are all your hyperlinks and page links still working as they should
Do you have client testimonials...are there any more recent ones you can add in
Is your Google Analytics set up and are you tracking your stats?
Overall, is your website user friendly, eye-catching and not too text heavy? Is it optimised to work well on both mobile and desktop platforms?
If you need a second opinion, let me know! Also, don’t have a website? I can help with that too!